Data Strategy
Your roadmap to the Data Driven Company
Data, a small word that has a lot of uses in our daily life. The word data alone wouldn’t be enough without adding a strategy to it. A business data strategy is collecting , sorting , managing , and using data in the right way. Data, a small word that has a lot of uses in our daily life. The word data alone wouldn’t be enough without adding a strategy to it. A business data strategy is collecting , sorting , managing , and using data in the right way.
The digital transformation does not start as a walk, but it is like crossing a river. You may be swept away by the current if you jump into the water with your team. To avoid that, you can simply rely on a well-thought-out plan, as every successful change requires. therefore, with a customized strategy together we will ensure that your digital river crossing will take you safely to new shores.
A strategy is an action that managers take to achieve the company’s goals. Each business contains data yet, but data itself won’t improve your business. To turn data into value, we need to set a data strategy first.

Every Data Strategy must have it’s principles that contain:
- Integrating Data and Eliminating Silos
- Streaming Data Collection and Sharing
- Setting Clear Goals and Objectives for Data Management and Use
- Making Data More Visible and Accessible
- Making Data More Actionable and Easily Shared
- Establishing Clear Processes for Data Management
- Establishing Guidelines for Data Analysis and Application
The importance of data strategy:

- Inefficient movement of data between different parts of the business, or duplication of data by multiple business units
- Lack of deep understanding of critical parts of the business and the processes that make them tick
- It is a Slow and inefficient business processes
- It can Help Unlock the Power of Data
- It can Improve Data Management Across the Entire Organization
- It can also Helps You Use Resources Efficiently
What are the key stages for creating a Data Strategy?

1- Identify

2- Assess

3- propose