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Our approach

We Act As Your Thinking Partner.
Our Purpose is to become a long-term trusted advisor.

Cedars BC bring perspective by being a thinking and strategic partner who enable business growth.

We are strategic advisors who integrate and disparate within an organization through a process of flexible problem analysis, Our core Business is within Business Intelligence Consulting and Data Analytics.

Our process

Problem solving

Frame the problem into a question to help focus on finding a clear answer. Understand the business and its goals in enough depth that we can frame the problem in the right way.

Assigning the right one

Assign the right tool, for the right problem and the right person, for the right tool.

Data Understanding

Create a strategy for collecting and aggregating the appropriate data, collect the initial data, and identify Data Requirements.

Data preparation

Gather data from Multiple sources, cleanse, format, and get data ready for analysis.

Perform Exploratory Analysis and Modelling

After cleaning the data, now comes the fun bit- Analyzing the data. Determine important Variables then begin building models to test data and seek out answers to the objectives given.

Validate the data

 Evaluate the results, review process, Determine next steps:
Results are Valid -> proceed
Results are invalid -> Revisit previous steps

Final step

Finally Visualize and present our findings, Communicate results, determine best method to present insights based on analysis and audience, and craft a compelling story.

Business Intelligence Consulting

Cedars BC work with enterprises to help solve business problems by collecting historical and present data and using Microsoft Power BI to analyze raw data to deliver insights for making better decisions.

we help our clients to find hidden value in their data. This comes in many forms (increasing revenue – reducing cost – detecting fraud and more)